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 Become an MCA Sponsor Today!

See below for sponsorship package information


In addition to the sponsorship packages, there is an opportunity for event sponsorship for the Annual Fall Institute or the Education and Training workshops or Spring Workshop.  Contact the Sponsorship Chairs or the MCA office directly.  

Those a la carte items include exclusive sponsorship for:

  • Keynote Speaker Sponsor (Exclusive sponsorship opportunity)
  • Awards Reception
  • Past Presidents Breakfast (Currently being sponsored)
  • Lanyard/Name Tag/Folder Sponsor (Currently being sponsored)
  • Break Sponsor (Limited opportunities available)
  • Custom Package: Contact the sponsorship chair to develop your own sponsor package
  • Your sponsorship may be applied towards the Thursday evening events at the Annual Training Institute.

You may fill out the sponsor application on-line, or  you can download the sponsorship packet in a document and mail or e-mail it to the MCA office.

If you have any questions, you may contact the MCA Sponsorship Chair, JoAnn Brown at joann.brown@state.mn.us.  

Sponsor Membership - 3 Platinum (4110) - $1,500.00 (USD) Bundle (up to 10 members) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

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